Fundamentals of Entomology By Lakshman Chandra Patel, CONTENTS :
1. History of Entomology in India
2. Major Points related to Dominance of Insect in Animal Kingdom
3. Classification of Phylum Arthropoda upto Classes
4. Relationship of Class Insecta with Other Classes of Arthropoda
5. Morphology: Structure and Functions of Insect Cuticle and Molting
6. Body Segmentation
7. Structure of Head, Thorax and Abdomen
8. Structure and Modifications of Insect Antennae
9. Structure and Modification of Insect Mouthparts
10. Structure and Modification of Insect Legs
11. Wing Venation, Modifications and Wing Coupling Apparatus
12. Structure of Male and Female Genital Organ
13. Metamorphosis and Diapauses in Insects
14. Types of Larvae and Pupae
15. Structure and Functions of Digestive System in Insects
16. Structure and Functions of Circulatory System in Insects
17. Structure and Function of Excretory System in Insects
18. Structure and Function of Respiratory System in Insects
19. Structure and Function of Nervous system in insects
20. Structure and Function of Secretary (Endocrine) System in Insects
21. Structure and Function of Reproductive System in Insects
22. Types of Reproduction in Insects
23. Major Sensory Organs like Simple and Compound Eyes, Chemoreceptor
24. Insect Ecology: Introduction, Environment and Its Components
25. Effect of Abiotic Factors – Temperature, Moisture, Humidity, Rainfall, Light, Atmospheric Pressure and Air Currents
26. Effect of Biotic Factors – Food Competition, Natural and Environmental Resistance
27. Categories of Pests
28. Concept of IPM, Practices, Scope and Limitations of IPM
29. Classification of Insecticides, Toxicity of Insecticides and Formulations of Insecticides
30. Chemical Control – Importance, Hazards and Limitations
31. Recent Methods of Pest Control, Repellents, Antifeedants, Hormones, Attractants and Gamma Radiation
32. Insecticides Act 1968 – Important Provisions
33. Application Techniques of Spray Fluids
34. Symptoms of Poisoning, First Aid and Antidotes
35. Systematics: Taxonomy – Importance, History and Development and Binomial Nomenclature, Definitions of Biotype, Sub-Species, Species, Genus, Family and Order.
36. Classification of Class Insects Upto Orders
37. Basic Groups of Present Day Insects with Special Emphasis to Orders and Families of Agricultural Importance
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